My decision is fixed

The suitcases are packed

I'm laying the letter on the table

Tonight, I will be safe and the fears will be over

I shall outline my own way again!

I'm walking to the door

Open it and look behind for the last time

Tonight, I will be safe and the fears will be over

I shall outline my own way again!

But he's at the doorstep - this can't be real

where - dove
tonight - stasera
table - tavolo
solution - soluzione
troth - fedeltà
realise - rendersi conto
while - mentre
letter - lettera
walking - a passeggio
again - ancora
decision - decisione
honour - onore
suitcases - valigie
doorstep - gradino della porta
other - altro
reading - lettura
because - perché
pushes - spinge
fears - paure
outline - contorno
wrists - polsi
crossed - attraversato
respect - rispetto
fixed - fisso
defiled - contaminato
behind - dietro a
immediately - subito
shall - deve
notices - avvisi
surprised - sorpreso
inside - dentro
grabs - palio
insult - insulto
laying - posa
packed - confezionato

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