I'm the kid on the block

With my head made of rock

And I ain't got nobody

I'm the state of the art

Got a brain a la carte

I make the babies cry

I ain't one of the crowd

I ain't one of the guys

They just avoid me

They run and they hide

Are my colours too bright

Are my eyes set too wide

I spend my whole life

Burning, turning

I'm a teenage Frankenstein

turning - svolta
these - queste
teenage - adolescenziale
whole - totale
tight - stretto
synthetic - sintetico
state - stato
sight - vista
shoulders - le spalle
shadows - ombre
colours - colori
spend - trascorrere
rough - ruvido
carte - carte
cutie - cutie
burning - ardente
bright - luminosa
twisted - contorto
block - bloccare
brace - bretelle
avoid - evitare
bloody - sanguinoso
scars - cicatrici
babies - bambini
light - leggero
women - donne
crowd - folla
local - locale
faint - svenire
freak - mostro
night - notte
screwed - avvitato
frankenstein - frankenstein
hands - mani
brain - cervello
nobody - nessuno

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