Step right up take a good good look
At the latest pie that fate could cook
This is no phenom no supermarket guru
Just a revelation from me to you
So don’t believe a thing that you might hear
At least from the last 30 – 40 years
Cause it wasn’t long ago just before the reign of Nero
We had no concept of zero
So beware children beware
The devil may care
Six little soldiers with stripes on their shoulders
years - anni
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
soldiers - soldati
revelation - rivelazione
respiration - respirazione
reign - regno
phenom - phenom
shoulders - le spalle
least - meno
children - bambini
perspiration - sudore
brain - cervello
supermarket - supermercato
could - poteva
little - piccolo
ample - ampio
interests - interessi
before - prima
ordered - ordinato
cause - causa
right - destra
drill - trapano
believe - credere
their - loro
maybe - può essere
devil - diavolo
concept - concetto
stripes - strisce
might - potrebbe
sargeant - sargeant
independence - indipendenza
latest - più recente
listen - ascolta
beware - diffidare
never - mai
oxygen - ossigeno
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