I know I stand in line, until you think you have the time

To spend an evening with me

And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance

You wont be leaving with me

And afterwards we drop into a quiet little place

And have a drink or two

And then I go and spoil it all, by saying something stupid

Like I love you

until - fino a
though - anche se
stupid - stupido
spoil - rovinare
spend - trascorrere
through - attraverso
someplace - da qualche parte
seemed - sembrava
saying - detto
stand - stare in piedi
right - destra
drink - bere
practice - pratica
dance - danza
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
afterwards - in seguito
alone - da solo
lines - Linee
evening - sera
clever - intelligente
chance - opportunità
perfume - profumo
before - prima
fills - riempimenti
stars - stelle
heard - sentito
despise - disprezzare
leaving - in partenza
little - piccolo
quiet - silenzioso
meaning - senso
never - mai
night - notte
place - posto
every - dejte pozor
nights - notti

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