Pale purple nipples

Goose pimpled

She shivers shifts from a walk to a trot

Alone in the city

Infested with faces

Immune to new friendships

Interested in places she's never seen

She says everything is grey here

And nothing is green

The girls from down the street

Sixteen, seventeen years old

You can smell them getting pregnant

You can hear their rock and roll

That's America

You have to be tough

Like a glad trash bag

The government's an old nag

With a good pedigree

But pedigree's don't help you and me

I see the precedent is grey here

And nothing is green

Unless something unforeseen happens

I'm surrounded by the haves

unforeseen - imprevisto
understand - capire
think - pensare
those - quelli
their - loro
surrounded - circondato
street - strada
still - ancora
smell - odore
shivers - brividi
shifts - turni
haves - haves
holes - fori
happens - accade
regretting - rammaricandosi
green - verde
trash - spazzatura
girls - ragazze
getting - ottenere
goose - oca
interested - interessato
distract - distrarre
purple - viola
human - umano
things - cose
people - persone
america - America
about - di
unless - salvo che
otherwise - altrimenti
anybody - nessuno
something - qualcosa
conception - concezione
nipples - capezzoli
anything - qualsiasi cosa
faces - facce
playing - giocando
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
defined - definito
because - perché
except - tranne
sixteen - sedici
nothing - niente
being - essere
immune - immune
friendships - amicizie
important - importante
roles - ruoli
infested - infestato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
seventeen - diciassette
pedigree - pedigree
never - mai
nobody - nessuno
tough - difficile
advantage - vantaggio
places - posti
offered - offerta
years - anni
outfits - abiti
alone - da solo
precedent - precedente
pregnant - incinta
rejecting - respingendo

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