I hope I'm dreaming, 'cause this can't be awake

I hope I'm dead, just for my sake

Who knew all this would come, from a dirty gun

Son of a bitch who thought he was a cowboy

The mad hatter bashing your face again

Look into his eyes to see where evil lives

Bullet through window, and down the rabbit hole

This is one fucked up fairy tale


Hey you! Black and blue,

window - finestra
wicked - malvagio
watch - orologio
where - dove
thought - pensato
smoke - fumo
witch - strega
right - destra
seething - ribollente
rabid - rabbioso
rabbit - coniglio
through - attraverso
pills - pillole
little - piccolo
lights - luci
children - bambini
choked - soffocato
slapped - schiaffeggiato
dreaming - sognare
bitch - cagna
black - nero
around - in giro
bullet - proiettile
snakes - serpenti
blowing - soffiando
bashing - colpire
fucked - scopata
dragon - drago
cowboy - cowboy
again - ancora
teething - dentizione
alice - alice
awake - sveglio
chorus - coro
drowned - affogato
cigarette - sigaretta
coming - venuta
would - voluto
lives - vite
dirty - sporco
fairy - fata
hatter - cappellaio

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