I'll be sitting on the left side, you'll be sitting on the right

Dying to share our problems, make everything alright

Then I see a darkness, you see the blinding light

Will Oldham's in the corner moaning "Can't you write your own lines"

If we don't know where we belong

It'll make no difference from where we started

write - scrivi
trying - provare
started - iniziato
smiling - sorridente
showed - ha mostrato
shine - brillare
share - condividere
corner - angolo
confessions - confessioni
survive - sopravvivere
compliments - complimenti
swear - giurare
everything - qualunque cosa
comes - viene
conviction - convinzione
dozen - dozzina
corpses - cadaveri
sitting - seduta
alright - tutto apposto
blinding - accecante
think - pensare
light - leggero
darkness - oscurità
right - destra
dying - sta morendo
difference - differenza
where - dove
problems - i problemi
because - perché
lines - Linee
lucky - fortunato
moaning - gemendo
belong - appartenere
really - veramente

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