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Billie Piper – I Dream testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

I Dream - Billie Piper

parole da studiare

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it?

I believe it's real

It's time to tell you of a secret I keep

How I get with you when the world's asleep

I can't wait for the long day to end

Then I can be back in your arms again

When I close my eyes

You are by my side

And I can picture us together

Every night I pray there will be a way

And we can make it last forever

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me

And I can really feel it

I dream I'm dancing with you

And I can really move

I dream you're kissing me