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Billy Currington – Off My Rocker testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Off My Rocker - Billy Currington

parole da studiare

Well, we know it ain't the first time

We know it used to be my past time

And a couple of weeks back we agreed

That was gonna be my last time

But I guess that night I plumb forgot

Who's runnin' this show and who's not

Oh, I musta been off my rocker

I musta got some wires crossed

To come in here claimin' that from here on out

I'm gonna be the boss

Oh, it musta been me the big talker

Had a little too much Johnny Walker

So let's forget about it baby, I musta been off my rocker

No, there ain't no need to stay mad

No need to waste a whole day mad

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