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Billy Talent – Covered In Cowardice testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Covered In Cowardice - Billy Talent

parole da studiare

Twisted tongues will place you in their category

Face to face you'll hear them tell a different story

Loose lips may sink ships, but honesty's forever

Eyes of envy try to cut and try to sever

Cowards that hide behind their words

Don't care whose feelings will get hurt

Beware the voice without a face

That's hidden underneath the...

Cover of Cowardice!

Can't you see them?

Covered in Cowardice!

Can't you hear them?

Beware the voice without a face

That's hidden underneath the...

Cover of Cowardice!

Can't you see them?

Covered in Cowardice!

Can't you hear them?

Cowards that hide behind their words

Don't care whose feelings will get hurt

Their eyes are blinded by their rage

Beware the voice without a face

When your insecure, they'll find the fuel to start a fire

They're bitter pricks with only hatred to inspire

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