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Bob Dylan – The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest - Bob Dylan

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C Em

Well, Frankie Lee and Judas Priest,

Dm C

They were the best of friends.

So when Frankie Lee needed money one day,

Judas quickly pulled out a roll of tens

And placed them on a footstool

Just above the plotted plain,

Sayin', "Take your pick, Frankie Boy,

My loss will be your gain."

Well, Frankie Lee, he sat right down

And put his fingers to his chin,

But with the cold eyes of Judas on him,

His head began to spin.

"Would ya please not stare at me like that," he said,

"It's just my foolish pride,

But sometimes a man must be alone

And this is no place to hide."

Well, Judas, he just winked and said,

"All right, I'll leave you here,

But you'd better hurry up and choose

Which of those bills you want, before they all disappear."

"I'm gonna start my pickin' right now,

Just tell me where you'll be."

Judas pointed down the road

And said, "Eternity!"

"Eternity?" said Frankie Lee,

With a voice as cold as ice.

"That's right," said Judas Priest, "Eternity,

Though you might call it 'Paradise.'"

"I don't call it anything,"

Said Frankie Lee with a smile.

"All right," said Judas Priest,

"I'll see you after a while."

Well, Frankie Lee, he sat back down,

Feelin' low and mean,

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