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Brandon Flowers – Jilted Lovers And Broken Hearts testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Jilted Lovers And Broken Hearts - Brandon Flowers

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Hah. Hah. Hah. Hah. Hah Hah.

Is there anyone out there?

Somewhere I can belong

Man the city just stayed so kind tonight

I need a place to take refuge

See I been loving you blind

And I guess that made it hard for me to find

Now we were caught up in the middle of a worn out dream

I knew we were in trouble but baby I almost screamed

when I saw you dancing

On the moon now

I watched him spin you round and round

Why did you roll your dice? And show your cards?

Jilted lovers and broken hearts

You're flying away, while I'm stuck here on the ground

Is there anyone out there?

Somewhere I can belong

Man the city just stayed so kind,tonight

And if I had my suspicions