You always say the things I can believe in
Always say the things I wanna hear
I believe them all - the stories short and tall
I believe you, ya I believe you
You give me love
When love is all I need to live
You gave your word, when words were just superlative
things - cose
every - dejte pozor
there - là
blind - cieco
everytime - ogni volta
fallen - caduto
again - ancora
opened - ha aperto
sometimes - a volte
depend - dipendere
always - sempre
night - notte
believe - credere
leads - conduce
words - parole
anything - qualsiasi cosa
superlative - superlativo
wings - ali
myself - me stessa
around - in giro
short - corto
stories - storie
wanna - voglio
broken - rotto
straight - dritto
taught - insegnato
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