Lost forever

A whole generation of pathetic lost souls

With no meaning no depth

They're already dead, before it gets old

Anonymous, blank

No individuality, uniformed

A wholesale

Blanket identity, from the day that they're born

- Another generation to mourn

What choice for a new generation?

Another generation under sedation

Flocking like sheep

The instinctual herd, as fashion dictates

Primitively seduced

Commonly reduced, resigned to their fate

Another useless

Faceless degeneration

Like the one which precedes


wasted - sprecato
useless - inutili
trapped - intrappolati
together - insieme
there - là
their - loro
suppressed - soppresso
still - ancora
which - quale
flocking - affollando
hexed - hexed
under - sotto
misinformed - disinformato
wholesale - vendita all'ingrosso
fashion - moda
souls - anime
faceless - senza volto
forever - per sempre
existence - esistenza
generation - generazione
commonly - comunemente
acknowledging - riconoscendo
entity - entità
degeneration - degenerazione
identity - identità
never - mai
choice - scelta
vexed - vexed
another - un altro
anonymous - anonimo
oppressed - oppresso
seduced - sedotto
resigned - rassegnato
bleak - brullo
breaking - rottura
before - prima
dictates - dettami
mourn - piangere
blanket - coperta
blinkered - paraocchi
blank - vuoto
individuality - individualità
mould - muffa
meaning - senso
pathetic - patetico
already - già
pattern - modello
scorn - disprezzo
precedes - precede
instinctual - istintuale
primitively - primitivamente
uniformed - in uniforme
depth - profondità
reduced - ridotto
sedation - sedazione
seeds - semi
whole - totale
sheep - pecora
knees - ginocchia
spent - speso

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