There once was a bitter-sweet man

And they called him Lemon Boy

He was growing in my garden

And I pulled him out by his hair, like a weed

And like weeds do, he only came and grew back again

So I figured this time I might as well let him be

Lemon Boy and me started to get along together

I helped him plant his seeds

And we mowed the lawn in bad weather

It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him

So I got myself a citrus friend

But soon his bitter-sweet started to rub off on me

You'd think smelling like lemon zest would be pretty neat

I found out that my friends were more of the savory type

would - voluto
tortoise - tartaruga
together - insieme
there - là
garden - giardino
pretty - bella
weather - tempo metereologico
friend - amico
being - essere
gonna - andando
shells - conchiglie
forever - per sempre
happens - accade
clouds - nuvole
along - lungo
mowed - falciato
think - pensare
figured - figurato
friends - amici
beach - spiaggia
weeds - erbacce
their - loro
fertilizer - fertilizzante
again - ancora
themselves - loro stessi
might - potrebbe
citrus - agrume
longer - più a lungo
wherever - dovunque
actually - in realtà
compromising - compromettendo
spines - spine
cause - causa
bitter - amaro
bitterest - più amaro
smelling - odorare
found - trovato
gotta - devo
myself - me stessa
called - chiamato
growing - in crescita
beaches - spiagge
helped - aiutato
around - in giro
lemon - limone
snufkin - Snufkin
little - piccolo
pulled - tirato
savory - salato
started - iniziato
sweet - dolce
seeds - semi
plant - pianta
start - inizio
sugar - zucchero

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