The clouds that gathered turned to rain
The candles on your sill burned out
The weather on your face
Turned to match the mood outside
Reading through poems that you saved
That make the gloomy hours make sense
Or do they lose their power
With the yellowing of age
I saw you suffering
Through a foggy window in the rain
When you thought no one was watching, yeah
Going through your memories
Like so many prisons to escape
And become someone else
With another face
And another name
No more suffering
You sold the best of yourself out
On a chain of grey and white lies
One syllable at a time
You should have made them pay
A higher price
yellowing -
yellow - giallo
window - finestra
white - bianca
weather - tempo metereologico
turned - trasformato
tired - stanco
tightly - strettamente
through - attraverso
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
their - loro
syllable - sillaba
suffering - sofferenza
watching - guardando
stars - stelle
somewhere - da qualche parte
someone - qualcuno
should - dovrebbero
gloomy - cupo
create - creare
gathered - si riunirono
hours - ore
everybody - tutti
cracked - screpolato
yourself - te stesso
clouds - nuvole
could - poteva
poems - poesie
become - diventare
escape - fuga
going - andando
dirty - sporco
climb - scalata
drink - bere
outside - al di fuori
sense - senso
ashamed - si vergogna
foggy - nebbioso
imagining - immaginando
burned - bruciato
power - energia
regrets - rimpianti
braided - intrecciato
coiled - arrotolato
candles - candele
match - incontro
moment - momento
grows - cresce
chain - catena
harvest - raccolto
higher - più alto
imagination - immaginazione
inside - dentro
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
memories - ricordi
somebody - qualcuno
mouths - bocche
prisons - carceri
packing - imballaggio
another - un altro
place - posto
plant - pianta
price - prezzo
train - treno
sorrows - dolori
ashes - cenere
reading - lettura
saved - salvato
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