Talk to her, that's right

It could mean more than you think

Talk to her, that's right

And you don't have to lose a thing

Leave the boots and saddle outside

You could make her happy again

Laugh about the time

She threw the dinner at you

And in the coconut grove

You can imagine the scene

Another bus unloads

We're still waiting to leave

Talk to her, that's nice

Or you could make a murder begin

Breathe on her, that's right

Once more you will be her friend

She's the only who knows

where - dove
waiting - in attesa
unsaid - non detto
things - cose
thing - cosa
tallest - il più alto
still - ancora
spent - speso
sleep - dormire
shine - brillare
friend - amico
breathe - respirare
coconut - noce di cocco
happy - contento
again - ancora
camera - macchina fotografica
going - andando
break - rompere
guess - indovina
shoes - scarpe
lounge - sala
outside - al di fuori
dream - sognare
threw - gettò
could - poteva
announcements - annunci
moment - momento
alive - vivo
stupid - stupido
between - fra
grove - boschetto
another - un altro
leave - partire
sound - suono
about - di
plane - aereo
dinner - cena
begin - inizio
before - prima
better - meglio
hanging - sospeso
papers - documenti
haunt - infestare
think - pensare
imagine - immaginare
floor - pavimento
knows - conosce
transit - transito
right - destra
laugh - ridere
linger - soffermarsi
saddle - sella
hundred - centinaio
lying - dire bugie
boots - stivali
massage - massaggio
meant - significava
percent - per cento
murder - omicidio
flash - veloce
remains - resti
scene - scena

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