To a fleeting wealth of knowledge
We stand now idly by
As it crashes and burns far from our grasp
The ages-old dichotomy
Between knowledge and belief
One priori judgement at a time
In judgement defined
In our lifestyle, apathy
So incapable
In only observation and reaction
We free ourselves of history
In opinion and false deception
What feats of our imagining
We now fail at the hands of our non-control
Confirmation biases
Let me go, let me go
We now fail at the hands of our non-control
Resistant, transient
Let me go, let me go
Fall to the depths of desire's reach
wealth - ricchezza
speculation - speculazione
resisting - resistendo
resistant - resistente
feats - gesta
through - attraverso
beyond - al di là
false - falso
hands - mani
device - dispositivo
history - storia
dichotomy - dicotomia
narrative - narrazione
depths - profondità
denial - rifiuto
crashes - si blocca
called - chiamato
deduction - deduzione
confirmation - conferma
between - fra
fallacies - fallacie
burns - ustioni
apathy - apatia
belief - credenza
gather - raccogliere
untouchable - intoccabile
biases - pregiudizi
defined - definito
deception - inganno
chest - il petto
ignorance - ignoranza
fleeting - fugace
lifestyle - stile di vita
opinions - opinioni
grasp - comprensione
hurtful - dannoso
length - lunghezza
incapable - incapace
transient - transitorio
close - vicino
irredeemable - irredimibile
judgement - giudizio
lawless - senza legge
control - controllo
liberation - liberazione
observation - osservazione
understanding - comprensione
imagining - immaginando
ourselves - noi stessi
stand - stare in piedi
knowledge - conoscenza
opinion - opinione
reach - raggiungere
reaction - reazione
reproach - rimprovero
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