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Darling Violetta – Star Shoes (Love Is Everything) testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Star Shoes (Love Is Everything) - Darling Violetta

parole da studiare

I put my silver star shoes on

And I fly, fly away

There must be fifty people here

Why do I feel like you're serenading me

You took my hand

And suddenly we're Gala and Dali

Contemplating Persistance of memory

Love is everything

Love is anything you want it to be

It's all that we know

Love is everywhere

Hear it on the radio

Love is everything

You write sonnets on the sun

Every word is a dandelion day

I kiss you anytime I want

I make you crystal bouquets, love letter parfait

You took my hand we're sitting in Monet's viola snow

Your love is a butterfly under my fedora

Love is everything

Love is anything you want it to be