Let’s stay in bed, cause I don’t wanna go to work
I’d rather just work on you
Turn off your head, don’t worry about the million things
you think you gotta do
Let’s hit snooze
And take our time, take a break
From the world, cause it can wait
Go head turn it over in your mind
You tell me I’m your kryptonite
But don’t get mad you know I’m right
This just can’t wait till tonight
Outside it’s pouring
Let’s sleep off the morning
And wake up to heaven in the afternoon
world - mondo
tonight - stasera
tomorrow - domani
think - pensare
things - cose
serious - grave
right - destra
sight - vista
rather - piuttosto
pouring - scrosciante
trying - provare
feeling - sensazione
cause - causa
break - rompere
morning - mattina
today - oggi
count - contare
sometimes - a volte
close - vicino
heaven - paradiso
follow - segui
calls - chiamate
about - di
snooze - sonnellino
house - casa
sleep - dormire
should - dovrebbero
afternoon - pomeriggio
answer - risposta
worry - preoccupazione
wanna - voglio
fight - combattimento
fresh - fresco
those - quelli
outside - al di fuori
selfish - egoista
gotta - devo
blame - colpa
influence - influenza
kryptonite - kryptonite
leave - partire
million - milione
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