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Epica – Chemical Insomnia testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Chemical Insomnia - Epica

parole da studiare

Everlasting nights leave all views behind

Limits will become less clear and

A misty memory played out in a dream

This endeavor is causing fear

That's why I can't explain

This is stabbing pain

Come undone in nightly rhyming

It's time for me to roll the dice

Absent sanctity is shifting gravity

Addiction's growing faster, making you go insane

Ivory fangs are smiling, you'll have to break the habit

Imprisonment's appraoching, catching the savages

The mirror's magic showing chemical insomnia

Don't give in to all of this

Dive into ecstatic bliss

Tame the lion that's hiding the need to be free

Waking sunset finds, making restless minds

Wistful moments need enclosure

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