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Eric Church – Drink in My Hand testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Drink in My Hand - Eric Church

parole da studiare

Early Monday morning to Friday at five,

Man, I work, work, work and I don't climb, climb, climb

Boss man can shove that over time up his can,

All you got to do is put a drink in my hand

Fill it up or throw it down,

I got a 40 hour week with a trouble to drown

No need to complicate it, I'm a simple man,

All you got to do is put a drink in my hand

Yeah, that parking lot is muddy can't get to the door,

I take my jacked up drop 'er down in 4x4

She'll down a long neck, one with the band,

All you got to do is put a drink in my hand

Fill it up or throw it down,

I'm about to tear a new one in this old town