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Faithless – Not Enuff Love testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Not Enuff Love - Faithless

parole da studiare

Now when you climb

Into your bed tonight

And when you lock

And bolt the door

Just think of those

Out in the cold and dark

'Cause there is not enough love to go round

Now when you climb [fade]

And when you lock [fade]

Just think of those

Out in the cold and dark

'Cause there is not enough love to go round.

[Maxi Jazz]

Until you wake up

You people need a shake up

You take up so much time

Worrying, Scurrying,

Here, there,

Losing your hair

No money to spare

No love to share

No wonder you appear under pressure from here

You look fresh, yeah

But all I got is dirt in my hair

My nightmares manifest,

But I can escape

Yours is in your chest

With no form or shape

The tape is running

I push the button to send

Upon each other we all depend

Message end

Whoever asks my name

Or where I came from

People fear contamination

If they chary too long

I carry a strong

Sin of despair

It's in the air

I'm broken and hard to repair

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