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Freddie Mercury – The Fallen Priest testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

The Fallen Priest - Freddie Mercury

parole da studiare

Free me,free yourself

A life of sacrifice controlled me

But those promises I made

No longer hold me

Mercurial, more wayward by the hour

The shackles fall away I'm in your power

Free me (I'm a man of God) free yourself

Come to me (it should not be) and let me lead you

I beg you, I beseech you to let go

My heaven is yours

And heaven is all I know

We are mortal

In the hands of Gods who roll the dice

Searching for an earthly paradise

So hard to find

We are mortal

Victims of our weaknesses and passion

We are reaching from the heights

(I am falling, I am falling, falling from the heights)