The boy had a way with words

he sang,

he moved with grace

He entertained so naturally

no gesture out of place

His road in life was clearly drawn

he didn't hesitate

He played, they saw,

he conquered as the master of

As the master of his fate

The girl had an iron soul

no-one could recognize

Material ambition that her gentleness disguised

She gave herself to him certain of his fame

Wanted him for luxury

for limelight and his name

And then he sang to her

I love you for your silence

I love you for your peace

The still and calm releases

That sweep into my soul

That slowly take control

I love you for your passion

I love you for your fire

The violent desire

That burns me in it's flame

worse - peggio
words - parole
wished - desiderato
truth - verità
sweep - spazzare
suffered - subito
things - cose
started - iniziato
slowly - lentamente
singled - individuato
silence - silenzio
reward - ricompensa
reluctance - riluttanza
still - ancora
reasons - motivi
yesterday - ieri
played - giocato
place - posto
passion - passione
noticed - si accorse
display - display
cynical - cinico
could - poteva
takes - prende
naturally - naturalmente
ambition - ambizione
conquered - conquistato
clearly - chiaramente
considerations - considerazioni
changed - cambiato
gesture - gesto
desire - desiderio
hesitate - esitare
adored - adorato
violent - violento
flame - fiamma
prize - premio
believe - credere
releases - rilasci
rehearsed - provato
curse - maledizione
disguised - travestito
before - prima
recognize - riconoscere
apart - a parte
echoed - eco
better - meglio
burns - ustioni
certain - certo
every - dejte pozor
drawn - disegnato
glittering - scintillio
explanation - spiegazione
forgot - dimenticato
peace - pace
control - controllo
limelight - ribalta
hardened - indurito
heart - cuore
herself - se stessa
simply - semplicemente
honour - onore
irresistible - irresistibile
masterly - magistrale
accepting - accettando
changing - mutevole
master - maestro
knowing - sapendo
happy - contento
grace - grazia
luxury - lusso
entertained - intrattenuti
material - materiale
wanted - ricercato
gentleness - dolcezza
moved - mosso

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