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Ghostemane – Vagabond testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Vagabond - Ghostemane

parole da studiare

It all started when you

Left me for dead, now I've been a wreck

And momma toldmedaddy ain't gonnabe back

And she told me I'mthe man now, I guess I'm the man now

Think Ineedaplan now, uh (Ah)

Must've been nothingbut a jit

Buck teeth, cut like a bowl so that you know

Started from the bottom, fighting all the way up up

I never wanna go back down

Update, I felt great for a minute straight

Call my shrink and tell him I made a mistake

If only I could delete all the pain

And upload all the things I wanted to be

Bled from my lip, bit down on it

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