I am in a living hell makes me wonder if I'm alive
cant seem to bring myself to figure out why
I shove and i pull away to the things
that I call you every day
I cant seem to break you down
but I know I'll come around...
I feel your pins through my eyes piercing me
lie down in all this piss
world - mondo
wonder - meravigliarsi
through - attraverso
things - cose
sometimes - a volte
faith - fede
alive - vivo
never - mai
everyday - ogni giorno
around - in giro
place - posto
should - dovrebbero
every - dejte pozor
break - rompere
another - un altro
belive - belive
figure - figura
fuckin - cazzo
living - vita
shove - spintone
lives - vite
makes - fa
meant - significava
motherfucker - motherfucker
bring - portare
myself - me stessa
drink - bere
piercing - penetrante
realize - rendersi conto
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