Hold on tight

We're in for a ride

Vigils of midnight terrorize the world at birth vaccinate the cured

All is drown in the waters of murk

The bomb explodes and scorches the earth

The plot to kill cleansing the state undone

Serpent of a thousand lies, beneath

Askew, disproved we're out of reach

A clinch in the mind of disbelief

Take what you will for its deceit

Hold on tight

We're in for a ride

The elite eye, the blind belief is lost and burn

The gavel down and all of this has lost its worth

The skeleton has made its secrets known

worth - di valore
world - mondo
visual - visivo
vigils - veglie
vaccinate - vaccinare
tight - stretto
through - attraverso
thousand - mille
terrorize - terrorizzare
swift - veloce
state - stato
serpent - serpente
separates - coordinati
waters - acque
undone - disfatto
secrets - segreti
sanctioned - sanzionato
disbelief - incredulità
deceit - inganno
askew - di traverso
magic - magia
devious - indiretto
deformed - deforme
comes - viene
thousands - migliaia
carrion - carogna
blind - cieco
clinch - concludere
prejudice - pregiudizio
annihilation - annientamento
occasion - occasione
cleansing - detergente
death - morte
cured - guarito
birth - nascita
known - conosciuto
devastation - devastazione
belief - credenza
existence - esistenza
beneath - sotto
black - nero
agendas - ordini del giorno
gavel - martelletto
scorches - bruciature
become - diventare
racist - razzistico
disproved - smentita
prepare - preparare
dominant - dominante
drown - annegare
skeleton - scheletro
earth - terra
elite - elite
backs - schiene
elitists - elitisti
among - tra
explodes - esplode
perversion - perversione
lists - liste
midnight - mezzanotte
proves - dimostra
understand - capire
mortar - mortaio
prudence - prudenza
third - terzo
psalm - salmo
heretic - eretico
reach - raggiungere

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