Inside a dreamer's palace

So desolate and vast

Amidst the solemn pinacles

And shadows of a past

You lie awake to find

The somber evening hours fade

Away like childhood memories

Your mind withdrawn to shade

The night on the horizon

Has whispered in your ear

You came for consolation

You won't find it here

The night on the horizon

Has whispered in your ear

withdrawn - ritirato
whispered - sussurrato
horizon - orizzonte
ideals - ideali
disillusion - disillusione
desolate - desolato
grace - grazia
abyss - abisso
could - poteva
muses - muse
awake - sveglio
dignity - dignità
subtle - sottile
without - senza
which - quale
amidst - in mezzo a
weary - stanco
delusions - deliri
shadows - ombre
triumph - trionfo
childhood - infanzia
blindly - ciecamente
shade - ombra
hours - ore
blurry - sfocato
comprises - comprende
consolation - consolazione
enter - accedere
quest - ricerca
formless - informe
doubt - dubbio
inside - dentro
smile - sorriso
evening - sera
thieves - ladri
along - lungo
memories - ricordi
night - notte
pearls - perle
palace - palazzo
sought - ricercato
price - prezzo
scraps - frammenti
scars - cicatrici
solemn - solenne
somber - tetro
still - ancora
senseless - insensato
tragedy - tragedia

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