A tranquil silence echoes through the blackness

Stumbling away each step a fall

Into another void the ever endless

Fluctuating centre of it all

I've seen you here before I couldn't reach you

We spoke the truth with bleeding, cut out tongues

And turned our backs to all the roads we ever knew

where - dove
tranquil - tranquillo
tongues - lingue
stumbling - inciampando
spread - diffusione
spoke - ha parlato
silence - silenzio
truth - verità
blackness - oscurità
roads - strade
belong - appartenere
ashes - cenere
loved - amato
before - prima
centre - centro
backs - schiene
through - attraverso
aeons - eoni
another - un altro
bleeding - emorragia
turned - trasformato
babylon - Babilonia
echoes - echi
fluctuating - fluttuante
gallery - galleria
ceases - cessa
martyrs - martiri
orphan - orfano
pieces - pezzi
endless - infinito
quest - ricerca
reach - raggiungere

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