Ehhh yeahh
And my uproarious arrival pushed the noise to the scene
This inglorious desire that would be left out of me
So I'll be open to rise
And open closed minds, hook lines
I'll make 'em edible
You'll gobble it down
Like it's the only thing that's floating
Hold on or drown
Words can grant your relief
I tell it bitter and sweet
You can twist out the seats
And put the demons to sleep
This is closure
yeahh - yeahh
would - voluto
words - parole
uproarious - tumultuoso
tried - provato
through - attraverso
gobble - trangugiare
drink - bere
focused - focalizzata
flaws - difetti
edible - commestibile
drown - annegare
exposure - esposizione
making - fabbricazione
ecstatic - estatico
where - dove
shirt - camicia
drinks - bevande
attack - attacco
floating - galleggiante
arrival - arrivo
desire - desiderio
flying - volante
throw - gettare
brought - portato
ground - terra
music - musica
these - queste
closure - chiusura
grant - concedere
demons - demoni
grease - grasso
looks - sembra
blurry - sfocato
scene - scena
maybe - può essere
vexed - vexed
another - un altro
minds - menti
noise - rumore
tonight - stasera
passive - passivo
bitter - amaro
prick - puntura
punches - punzoni
lines - Linee
closed - chiuso
sleep - dormire
pushed - spinto
destined - destinata
spilling - versamento
raised - sollevato
twist - torcere
relief - sollievo
seats - posti a sedere
things - cose
sweet - dolce
thing - cosa
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