Fall out of bed and catch a fading star

Fancy I woke up before my alarm

Rubbed my mind through my eyes

It's the best I can do

Before it's automatic, habit of returning to you

Though I smile when it happens, almost as if it was magic

It means there's a god somewhere and he's laughing

And I shuffle my slipperless toes to the kitchen

Still low to the ground, but high on living

And I know, I know, it's gonna be a good day

Hello, hello, you beautiful thing

Waking up, I stretch my body and acknowledge some aches

It must be something I did yesterday

Pour a cup of liquid gold, because my engine's still cold

But in a minute everything's gonna change

yesterday - ieri
watching - guardando
violence - violenza
thoughts - pensieri
though - anche se
thing - cosa
stretch - allungare
still - ancora
sometimes - a volte
gonna - andando
black - nero
foolish - folle
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
earth - terra
changing - mutevole
fancy - fantasia
fading - dissolvenza
means - si intende
brave - coraggioso
depths - profondità
replayed - ripetizione dell'incontro
alarm - allarme
after - dopo
aches - dolori
acknowledge - riconoscere
laughing - che ride
automatic - automatico
beautiful - bellissimo
before - prima
magic - magia
through - attraverso
minute - minuto
dreams - sogni
reflection - riflessione
awake - sveglio
quite - abbastanza
almost - quasi
because - perché
waiting - in attesa
ground - terra
shuffle - rimescolare
something - qualcosa
habit - abitudine
happens - accade
kitchen - cucina
linger - soffermarsi
living - vita
change - modificare
night - notte
rubbed - strofinato
somewhere - da qualche parte
hello - ciao
readjusting - riaggiustare
returning - ritorno
waking - risveglio
scenes - scene
liquid - liquido
catch - catturare
smile - sorriso

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