I'll make love to you in all good places -

Under black mountains, in open spaces.

By deep brown rivers that slither darkly,

Through far marches where the blue hare races.

Come with me to the Winged Isle -

Northern father's western child.

Where the dance of ages is playing still

Through far marches of acres wild.

where - dove
western - occidentale
through - attraverso
still - ancora
slither - strisciare
shuttered - persiane
scatter - spargimento
windows - finestre
rivers - fiumi
spaces - spazi
crumbling - cadente
concrete - calcestruzzo
northern - settentrionale
tiles - piastrelle
streets - strade
races - gare
chimneys - camini
cement - cemento
under - sotto
black - nero
playing - giocando
silent - silenzioso
damply - damply
sagging - cascante
child - bambino
brown - marrone
weary - stanco
bricks - mattoni
winged - alato
dance - danza
discos - discoteche
fingers - dita
flaking - desquamazione
softly - dolcemente
marches - marche
slide - diapositiva
acres - acri
places - posti
narrow - stretto
shoulders - le spalle
mountains - montagne
pointed - appuntito

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