Spine-tingling railway sleepers ---

Sleepy houses lying four-square and firm

Orange beams divide the darkness

Rumbling fit to turn the waking worm.

Sliding through Victorian tunnels

where green moss oozes from the pores.

Dull echoes from the wet embankments

Battlefield allotments. Fresh open sores.

In late night commuter madness

Double-locked black briefcase on the floor

like a faithful dog with master

wheels - ruote
waking - risveglio
waiting - in attesa
through - attraverso
station - stazione
square - piazza
spine - colonna vertebrale
sores - piaghe
sliding - scorrevole
sleepy - assonnato
sleeping - addormentato
shoes - scarpe
railway - ferrovia
pores - pori
platforms - piattaforme
papers - documenti
orange - arancia
night - notte
nearing - in via di
crosswords - cruciverba
locked - bloccato
master - maestro
double - raddoppiare
fireside - focolare
darkness - oscurità
lying - dire bugie
cough - tosse
where - dove
diesel - diesel
allotments - orti
special - speciale
echoes - echi
abandon - abbandono
supper - cena
cross - attraversare
commuter - pendolare
rumbling - brontolio
carriage - trasporto
tripping - intervento
shuffle - rimescolare
dusky - tetro
draught - bozza
frosty - gelido
madness - follia
battlefield - campo di battaglia
divide - dividere
biting - pungente
tunnels - tunnel
beside - accanto
tingling - formicolio
heating - riscaldamento
slippers - pantofole
black - nero
shudders - brividi
floor - pavimento
blackness - oscurità
oozes - oozes
journeyman - operaio qualificato
victorian - vittoriano
empty - vuoto
faithful - fedele
fresh - fresco
flakes - fiocchi
flicker - barlume
footbridge - passerella
frost - brina
green - verde
guard - guardia
hollow - cavo
houses - case
sleepers - traversine
briefcase - ventiquattrore
coming - venuta
howling - ululato
redundant - ridondante
beams - travi
lights - luci
midnight - mezzanotte
wisdom - saggezza
morning - mattina

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