And away by the waters so blue

The ladies were winding their way

When Pharaoh's little daughter stepped down to the water

To bathe in the cool of the day

And before it was dark she looked the ark

And found the sweet babe that was there


And away by the waters so blue

She carried that beautiful child

To his tender mother, to sister and brothers

Little Moses looked happy and smiled

winding - carica
child - bambino
departed - partito
moses - Mosé
lifted - sollevato
found - trovato
peace - pace
victorious - vittorioso
crossed - attraversato
cease - cessare
heavens - cieli
divided - diviso
before - prima
sister - sorella
beautiful - bellissimo
daughter - figlia
glorious - glorioso
bathe - fare il bagno
brothers - fratelli
called - chiamato
sweet - dolce
carried - trasportato
jordan - giordania
hopes - speranze
while - mentre
their - loro
israel - Israele
above - sopra
little - piccolo
looked - guardato
mother - madre
spirit - spirito
mountain - montagna
nurse - infermiera
rested - riposato
stepped - fatto un passo
water - acqua
safely - tranquillamente
upwards - verso l'alto
servant - servitore
smiled - Sorrise
happy - contento
subsides - sussidi
tender - tenero
someday - un giorno
there - là
ladies - le signore
waters - acque

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