Muffle the drums.. and hope the new century comes…?

Was it all the amphetamine presidents and their busy wives

Or did Manhattan crumble the day Marilyn died?

All your life you dreamed a dream

Somehow connected with the silver screen

With half closed eyes you realise

It’s love in the life that is paradise

In a technicolour fade - I dream a parade

Like some flob house - bop house serenade

Every dog must have his day

Ramshackle day parade

whose - di chi
unmade - disfatto
underhand - subdolo
under - sotto
those - quelli
their - loro
freight - nolo
incinerators - inceneritori
faces - facce
wives - mogli
drums - batteria
paradise - paradiso
crumble - crollare
deranged - squilibrato
going - andando
heads - teste
connected - collegato
refrigerated - refrigerato
civil - civile
marching - in marcia
banners - banner
house - casa
realise - rendersi conto
holding - detenzione
every - dejte pozor
after - dopo
alligators - alligatori
unborn - nascituro
elevator - ascensore
through - attraverso
bring - portare
century - secolo
dreamed - sognato
dream - sognare
buried - sepolto
marilyn - marilyn
comes - viene
parade - parata
holograms - ologrammi
closed - chiuso
hopped - luppolata
manhattan - manhattan
amphetamine - anfetamina
muffle - smorzare
cowboys - cowboys
presidents - presidenti
remain - rimanere
filled - pieno
riding - equitazione
silver - argento
screen - schermo
serenade - serenata
somehow - in qualche modo
stalingrad - stalingrado
taking - presa

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