parole da studiare
Waking skies

At Sunrise

Every sunset too

Seems to be

Bringing me

Memories of you

Here and there


Scenes that we once knew

And they all

Just recall

Memories of you

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Waking skies
At Sunrise
Every sunset too
Seems to be
Bringing me
Memories of you
Here and there
Scenes that we once knew
And they all
Just recall
Memories of you
skies - cieli
waking - risveglio
forget - dimenticare
everywhere - ovunque
everything - qualunque cosa
dreams - sogni
every - dejte pozor
sunset - tramonto
bring - portare
beams - travi
there - là
those - quelli
bringing - portando
could - poteva
sunrise - alba
memories - ricordi
happy - contento
recall - richiamare
rosary - rosario
seems - sembra
scenes - scene
spite - dispetto
tears - lacrime
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