Ended up on a crossroad

Try to figure out which way to go

It's like you're stuck on a treadmill

Running in the same place

You got your hazard lights on now

Hoping that somebody would slow down

Praying for a miracle

Who'll show you grace?

Had a couple dollars and a quarter tank of gas

With a long journey ahead

Seen a truck pull over

God sent an angel to help you out

He gave you direction

Showed you how to read a map

With a long journey ahead

Said it ain't over

Oh, even in the midst of doubt

Life is worth living

Life is worth living, so live another day

The meaning of forgiveness

People make mistakes, doesn't mean you have to give in

Life is worth living again

Relationship on a ski slope

would - voluto
world - mondo
which - quale
working - lavoro
truck - camion
treadmill - routine
thought - pensato
tearing - lacerazione
somebody - qualcuno
slope - pendenza
scream - urlare
figure - figura
miracle - miracolo
perfect - perfezionare
feels - si sente
enough - abbastanza
ended - conclusa
again - ancora
dollars - dollari
doubt - dubbio
stuck - incollato
couple - coppia
cause - causa
ahead - avanti
avalanche - valanga
different - diverso
better - meglio
angel - angelo
blizzard - bufera di neve
affection - affetto
forgiveness - perdono
grace - grazia
hazard - rischio
worth - di valore
living - vita
heart - cuore
hoping - sperando
judge - giudice
april - aprile
holler - holler
journey - viaggio
other - altro
lights - luci
meaning - senso
crucify - crocifiggere
midst - mezzo
crossroad - incrocio
mistakes - errori
another - un altro
place - posto
salvage - salvare
people - persone
direction - direzione
perception - percezione
strong - forte
praying - preghiere
showed - ha mostrato
quarter - trimestre
skating - pattinando
relationship - relazione
blast - esplosione
running - in esecuzione

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