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Kaleo – Fool testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Fool - Kaleo

parole da studiare

Oh yeah, come on

That's right

Buddy, you're cool

And you got your moment's worth

They say it takes two

Would you like to keep your word?

I ain't no fool

Not like them other looney toons

I'm messed up

Stop pulling my leg

You know I'm no looky, looky

Saying baby, baby come on

Hey baby, baby I need to know

Cause I got eyes on you

I got eyes on you baby

I got eyes on you

And I'm not the fool right here

I got eyes on you

(I got eyes on you)

I got eyes on you

(I got eyes on you)

I got eyes on you

And I'm not the fool right here

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