Carry on my wayward son.
There'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest.
Don't you cry no more.
Once I rose above the noise and confusion,
just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion.
I was soaring ever higher,
but I flew too high.
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man.
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man.
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming.
I can hear them say:
Carry on my wayward son.
There'll be peace when you are done.
Lay your weary head to rest.
weary - stanco
wayward - ribelle
think - pensare
stormy - tempestoso
remember - ricorda
nothing - niente
peace - pace
noise - rumore
waits - attese
means - si intende
masquerading - masquerading
confusion - confusione
splendor - splendore
season - stagione
emotion - emozione
charade - sciarada
claim - richiesta
carry - trasportare
surely - certamente
glimpse - intravedere
reason - ragionare
blind - cieco
moving - in movimento
about - di
beyond - al di là
could - poteva
winds - venti
soaring - impennata
ocean - oceano
above - sopra
course - corso
dreaming - sognare
still - ancora
equals - equivale
empty - vuoto
voices - voci
tossed - sballottati
higher - più alto
event - evento
though - anche se
fortune - fortuna
illusion - illusione
always - sempre
heaven - paradiso
longer - più a lungo
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