Find your dreams come true

And I wonder if you know

What it means, what it means

And I wonder if you know

What it means, what it means

And I wonder if you know

What it means to find your dreams

I've been waiting on this my whole life

These dreams be waking me up at night

You say I think I'm never wrong

You know what, maybe you're right, aight

And I wonder if you know

What it means, what it means

And I wonder if you know

What it means to find your dreams

You say he get on your f**king nerves

You hope that he get what he deserves, word

Do you even remember what the issue is

You just trying to find where the tissue is

wrong - sbagliato
where - dove
waiting - in attesa
trying - provare
trade - commercio
tissue - fazzoletto di carta
grind - macinare
light - leggero
seven - sette
watch - orologio
something - qualcosa
without - senza
think - pensare
giving - dando
wonder - meravigliarsi
husband - marito
happen - accadere
hotlines - cripp
dreams - sogni
aroused - suscitato
maybe - può essere
their - loro
primetime - prima serata
aight - aight
independent - indipendente
whole - totale
chicago - Chicago
house - casa
about - di
ladies - le signore
never - mai
these - queste
drive - guidare
deserves - merita
calling - chiamata
blouse - camicetta
chokes - induttanze
skyline - orizzonte
could - poteva
lifeline - sagola di salvataggio
lifetime - tutta la vita
remember - ricorda
lines - Linee
psychic - psichico
really - veramente
means - si intende
waking - risveglio
nerves - nervi
night - notte
feeling - sensazione
issue - problema
right - destra
would - voluto
screams - urla
shine - brillare
spouse - sposa
intuition - intuizione
still - ancora

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