I feel like the time has come
A fearless rescue from everyone
Who made you the master?
The lady caster, I found you looking for a good time
I was out in exile perfecting my style
I knew you wanted a reaction
Hit me! Harder! I’m getting re-wired
I flip the switch that make you feel electric
Even! Faster! Than before
I'm gonna light 'em up with you
I'm gonna light 'em up with you
Try to keep up, you scatter brain
wired - cablata
wanted - ricercato
there - là
theirs - il loro
their - loro
retreat - ritiro
rescue - salvare
relieve - alleviare
reaction - reazione
surrender - resa
perfecting - perfezionamento
master - maestro
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
light - leggero
duties - doveri
seeds - semi
flame - fiamma
creator - creatore
faster - più veloce
caster - fonditore
getting - ottenere
before - prima
silver - argento
enter - accedere
tastes - gusti
switch - interruttore
exile - esilio
blood - sangue
brain - cervello
fearless - impavido
electric - elettrico
bring - portare
everyone - tutti
found - trovato
scatter - spargimento
harder - più forte
generals - generali
bitter - amaro
glitter - luccichio
gonna - andando
through - attraverso
style - stile
knees - ginocchia
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