parole da studiare
I, I know the stars
Falling from the sky
Falling for you
And I, I know the wind
Combing your hair
Caressing your chin
But I don't know you
Will you show me
Who you are?
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I, I know the stars
Falling from the sky
Falling for you
And I, I know the wind
Combing your hair
Caressing your chin
But I don't know you
Will you show me
Who you are?
waves - onde
turning - svolta
stars - stelle
dreams - sogni
trouble - guaio
cause - causa
combing - pettinatura
upside - sottosopra
caressing - carezzevole
night - notte
please - per favore
giving - dando
heard - sentito
heart - cuore
falling - caduta
inside - dentro
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