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Kelly Clarkson – Gone testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Gone - Kelly Clarkson

parole da studiare

What you see's not what you get

With you there's just no measurement

No way to tell what's real from what isn't there

Your eyes they sparkle

That's all changed into lies that drop like acid rain

You washed away the best of me

You don't care

You know you did it

I'm gone

To find someone to live for

In this world

There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight

Just a bridge that I gotta burn

You're wrong

If you think you can walk right through my door

That is just so you

Coming back when I've finally moved on

I'm already gone

Sometimes shattered

Never open

Nothing matters

When you're broken

That was me whenever I was with you

Always ending

Always over

Back and forth, up and down like a rollercoaster