Good morning, it's 3am in this great roaring
city full of garbage eaters ravaging parking
spots beneath my plaza window I see cheetah in their
tight skins and tired heels all-night hippo in
the diner crossing the street swarthy heards of young
impala flambastic gibbon even a struggling monza
and over there that brilliant head ornament on that
Japanese macaque but look closely at the hammerhead hand
in hand with the mandrill, it's a sight you're
unlikely to see anywhere else on the planet
the stench and noise, yes, yes, the howler's
resonating repertoire is not too bad when mixed with
the more musical twern of the tropical warbler but the
impatient taxi blare the squawking elderly ibis and
young - giovane
without - senza
window - finestra
warbler - uccello canoro
unlikely - improbabile
tired - stanco
musical - musicale
playing - giocando
mixed - misto
marmoset - bertuccia
peeper - ficcanaso
suckers - ventose
japanese - [object Object]
impatient - impaziente
noise - rumore
morning - mattina
great - grande
garbage - spazzatura
mandrill - mandrillo
swarthy - bruno
evidently - evidentemente
queen - regina
street - strada
laughter - risata
conversing - conversare
resonating - risonante
macaque - macaco
brilliant - brillante
hammerhead - martello
moving - in movimento
crossing - attraversamento
glass - bicchiere
hawking - Hawking
siren - sirena
certainly - certamente
right - destra
parts - parti
heels - tacchi
closely - strettamente
sight - vista
eaters - mangiatori
camouflage - camuffare
hippo - ippopotamo
skink - godric di
tropical - tropicale
blare - squillo
night - notte
animal - animale
scenery - scenario
fruit - frutta
cheetah - ghepardo
there - là
beneath - sotto
corner - angolo
elderly - anziano
anywhere - dovunque
gazer - gazer
cautious - prudente
gibbon - gibbone
their - loro
diner - commensale
arrive - arrivo
puppy - cucciolo
nightly - ogni notte
papers - documenti
stench - fetore
parking - parcheggio
planet - pianeta
plaza - plaza
droppings - sterco
elephant - elefante
poisonous - velenoso
purple - viola
random - casuale
magazine - rivista
spring - primavera
ravaging - devastazione
social - sociale
repertoire - repertorio
reply - rispondere
disease - malattia
revue - revue
skate - pattinare
skins - pelli
stinger - stinger
snapper - snapper
impala - impala
spots - macchie
squawking - starnazzare
everywhere - ovunque
ornament - ornamento
stand - stare in piedi
getting - ottenere
starling - storno
struggling - lottando
swarming - formicolio
swear - giurare
roaring - ruggente
sweat - sudore
blush - arrossire
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