Use his name to kill - I don't think so
The grand illusion spilled - to much red flow
Forcing your believe - onto others
Constantly deceive - your own brother
Think you got the call - it's all right then
But bringing us to fall - you're a sick man
Loving, peacefully breathing - something the devil don't know
Better than the global believing - friendship the seed we should sow
Alright to disagree - point your finger
truth - verità
stealer - ladro
spread - diffusione
which - quale
spilled - rovesciato
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
point - punto
peacefully - spokojnie
right - destra
paradise - paradiso
nothing - niente
loving - amorevole
brother - fratello
breathing - respirazione
bringing - portando
illusion - illusione
devil - diavolo
healer - guaritore
better - meglio
death - morte
ahead - avanti
graveyards - cimiteri
global - globale
believe - credere
learn - imparare
disagree - disaccordo
others - altri
believing - credendo
bringer - portatore
grand - grande
along - lungo
constantly - costantemente
close - vicino
there - là
alright - tutto apposto
deceive - ingannare
faking - falsificazione
finger - dito
forcing - forzatura
should - dovrebbero
friendship - amicizia
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