(Bonus from Japanesse Edition)

Do you remember where these came from?

Do you recall how these started long ago?

Do you still believe how did you goes straight?

Where you be among the last one to remain?

Iron destiny,

We would never be, what they wanted us to be.

We refuse to say,

We refuse to say, what they want us to say.

Never wanted to reject them.

They rejected we became for what we are.

would - voluto
where - dove
waste - rifiuto
straight - dritto
still - ancora
started - iniziato
stand - stare in piedi
something - qualcosa
defend - difendere
always - sempre
culture - cultura
wanted - ricercato
counter - contatore
believe - credere
radical - radicale
remain - rimanere
await - attendere
front - davanti
bonus - indennità
edition - edizione
among - tra
destiny - destino
became - [object Object]
these - queste
never - mai
recall - richiamare
refuse - rifiuto
growing - in crescita
rejected - respinto
remember - ricorda
reject - rifiutare
shall - deve

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