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Lauren Christy – My Jeans I Want Them Back testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

My Jeans I Want Them Back - Lauren Christy

parole da studiare

He says he'll never love another girl

And I'm so sure of his sincerity

'cause he has never lied to me

And oh, he'll feel a fool if I should go

And tonight when I am softly sleeping think of him 'cause he'll be weeping

Ain't no point in dreaming 'bout things he never said

At least he's not concealing what's really in his head

My jeans I want them back,

hear his sweet words of goodbye

My jeans I want them back,

bringing tears to my eyes

My jeans I want them back,

hear his sweet words of goodbye

My jeans I want them back,

them back, them back

I can't ignore the look that's in his eyes

Oh, yes he's promised me fidelity,

forsaking all his dignity

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