My life has taken me beyond the planets and the stars
And you're the only one that could take me this far
I'll be forever searching for your love
I walked away but I was wrong
You're the one that keeps me strong
You're the fire that keeps me warm
How will I get through this storm?
At night, I pray before I sleep in hope of finding you
I've opened up my heart, I want you to come through
I close my eyes, I'm searching for your love
I walked away but I was wrong
You're the one that keeps me strong
You're the fire that keeps me warm
How will I get through this storm?
Jay-z: I got the bounce Lenny
Check me out
Brooklyn's bad boy back again
Feet hit the ground runnin' and my back's to the wind
Angels on my shoulders, head in the clouds
No, I'm not rappin', I'm just thinkin' real loud
wrong - sbagliato
worse - peggio
walked - camminava
trapped - intrappolati
thoughts - pensieri
there - là
taken - prese
storm - tempesta
depth - profondità
still - ancora
fresh - fresco
finding - scoperta
heart - cuore
loved - amato
again - ancora
raining - piovere
heavy - pesante
charm - fascino
blessed - benedetto
deceptively - ingannevolmente
water - acqua
night - notte
shoulders - le spalle
angels - angeli
umbrella - ombrello
grace - grazia
judge - giudice
average - media
through - attraverso
check - dai un'occhiata
budge - muoversi
heaven - paradiso
armor - armatura
beyond - al di là
could - poteva
close - vicino
lethal - letale
bounce - rimbalzo
keeps - mantiene
strong - forte
forever - per sempre
bentley - bentley
broads - Broads
ground - terra
clouds - nuvole
homie - homie
flashy - vistoso
homies - homies
lefty - lefty
lenny - lenny
opened - ha aperto
before - prima
smart - inteligente
lucky - fortunato
searching - ricerca
planets - pianeti
sleep - dormire
young - giovane
stars - stelle
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