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Lissie – Feels Good testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Feels Good - Lissie

parole da studiare

You just do what feels good

You just do what feels good

You just do what feels good 'til it doesn't

And then you call me crying

Pulling me back in

You'll be the death of me

You'll be the death of me

'Cause every time I look in your eyes

(Every time I look in your eyes)

Something inside of me dies

(Something inside of me dies)

Oh, you don't do what you should

(Don't do what you should)

You just do what feels good

(Just do what feels good)

And anytime it gets too hard

(Anytime it gets too hard)

You hit the boulevard

(You hit the boulevard)

Bet you say you misunderstood

(Bet you say you misunderstood)

But you just do what feels good

(Just do what feels good)

You're talking to the ghosts that live inside your head